IN THE NEWS: Quantum AI CEO designated UAS Safety, Regulatory Expert & Instructor by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

October 2022, The specialized branch of the United Nations, ICAO designated Quantum AI CEO Tracy Lamb as an official Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) subject matter expert, and as a designated instructor to civil aviation authorities of ICAO contracting states. Tracy Lamb served on the ICAO RPAS Panel from 2015 to 2019 as part of the ‘Human in the System’ working group 7, and the ICAO UAS advisory group.

Nabil Naoumi, President of the Air Navigation Commission thanked Tracy for her years of service “…the Civil Aviation Organization owes a huge debt of gratitude to experts like yourself, who have been willing to share their individual expertise … to improve the safety and regularity of international civil aviation”. (Ref: SP69/1-ANB/AN/RPAS/81678) March 12, 2020.

ICAO has sort to retain Tracy as an independent expert, having undertaken ICAO regulatory and instructor training courses to deliver their new and developing ICAO TRAINAIR Plus UAS Regulatory and Safety Courses designed for national civil aviation authorities who want to align with the global standards for advancing aviation ecosystems.

Expert instructors Frederic Malaud (ICAO), JC Shine (FAA), Tracy Lamb Quantum AI, Anne Grimel (ICAO)

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