Joining the mission “to educate and advocate for the broadest public benefit

through the AAM ecosystem globally”

Quantum AI supports the Advanced Air Mobility Institute, Inc. an American non-profit corporation* dedicated to educating and advocating for the broadest public benefit through the AAM ecosystem globally. Ultimately, the AAM Institute is committed to protecting people, their rights, and the systems we rely on. We seek to accelerate access to these new technologies in an ethical and responsible way.

We have 3 guiding principles to focus our efforts:

Safety – AAM needs to build a robust safety culture where data drives learning. Moreover, AAM technology should be available immediately to public safety agencies in order to expedite response time and thereby save more lives. Brilliant scientists and aerospace engineers have mastered the physics for practical application but each day that passes without access due to regulatory red tape, we lose people unnecessarily. We are leading the effort to promote Drones as First Responder (DFR) programs as well as eVTOL as Air Medical Service (eAMS) programs through the AAM Public Safety Cooperative. To identify safety trends and allow operators to report on an anonymous non-attribution basis, we are compiling the Global Safety Database (GSD).

Dignity – The Institute will continually engage with Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and citizens throughout the world to provide education and honest assessments regarding the state of AAM in their community. Through the Society for Zero Emission & Equitable Mobility, we are committed to ensuring that AAM is both sustainable & affordable in a way that the benefits of this new ecosystem are shared in accordance with the Net Zero CO2 Emission goal and the spirit of the Justice40 Initiative. We are building a Multi-stakeholder Initiative (MSI) to advocate for fair policies & practices through the AAM Framework for Human Rights (AFHR).

Security – With an eye toward the future, the Institute promotes educational, operational, and financial security. We will rally decision-makers to invest in youth STEM education and encourage OEMs to implement proactive cybersecurity measures well before the dawn of cryptographically-relevant quantum computers. AAM is designed to more quickly transport people and goods but a failure to allocate resources to Security will jeopardize reliability and eliminate time savings. In fact, we are the catalyst behind necessary amendments to the UN treaties on Aircraft Hijacking. Finally, to better understand the monetary impact of AAM, we are launching the Center for AAM Financial Security & Economic Research (CAFSER).

*Presently seeking tax exemption under IRC §501(c)(3), the AAM Institute is operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes.


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