Quantum AI CEO inducted into ‘Women in Emerging Aviation Technologies Hall Of Fame’

Quantum AI CEO Tracy Lamb received a lifetime achievement award at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, on January 7, 2023.

Quantum AI congratulates and applauds Sharon Rossmark CEO of ‘women and drones’ and Lori DeMatteis for their leadership in developing the inaugural ‘Hall of Fame for Women in Emerging Aviation Technologies’. Recognizing the highly experienced and accomplished women in the emerging aviation industry. Tracy Lamb is a well-known pioneer as an Aviation Safety, Risk, and Compliance professional, in addition to her qualifications and experience as a commercial pilot, international airline pilot, instructor, aviation safety lead auditor, and enthusiastic academic – she pioneered the world’s first certification and audit framework for commercial unmanned systems in 2015 during her tenure at ‘SGS Aerospace’, laying the foundation for widely used programs today for certifying commercial UAS operations around the world.


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